pondělí 18. listopadu 2013

Amazing weekend

Ok, I am in "English mood" so I will try to write other add in English. It is really strange that I am writing my blog today, because I am totally death:)
We had very nice weekend and I would like to say thank you everybody from Škofja Loka:)
Our weekend started with the best event for me and it was wine celebration in Ljubljana. Everybody who knows me, has to know that it is something what I can not miss:) So we took a car and went to Ljubljana on Saturday. We did not go alone but with other two Slovenian girls who found us in prevoz.org. Prevoz.org is very important web site in Slovenia and it is something like jizdomat.cz in Czech republic. So we got some money from them so we weren´t so poor in Ljubljana:) 
Wine tasking was amazing!Maybe only for me, because Adam couldn´t drink so much because of driving. I think I tasted about 30 different types of wines. I really like it, especially Traminec and Muškat. I don´t like czech muškát, but this Slovenian was really good.
I have a little bit of problem with slovenian event, because everytime I can not find price of event. It was same with this wine tasting but fortunately I paid just 10 euros and when I gave them my glass back I got 10 euros back:) So it was free.

After wine tasting we went to very cute coffee house for amazing cappuccino. We had some more time so we went to shopping centre because I really need to buy winter shoes. But of course we did not find anything:(
But main event during this weekend should have been:
Večer Slovinsko – Českého přátelství s kocerty / VEČER SLOVENSKO ČEŠKEGA PRIJATELJSTVA S KONCERTI
so after shopping we moved to Škofja Loka for this event. It was in similar Mladinski center like in Postojna, but quite bigger. We met bulgarian volunteer girl who we already met in Arrival training and also one Latvian guy , so we weren´t lost there:) I don´t like this kind of music but it was interesting. Czech band was quite too loud for me so I went outside to play hand football. Outside were more people than inside. You should know that in these kind of places  you 
usually can find like 20% of visitors in the concert hall, 15% in the place where the bar is and 65 % outside because in Slovenia it is forbidden to smoke inside so every smoker is outside and because almost everybody smokes, everybody is outside:D
And outside I met one czech girl who has lived in Slovenia for 3 years because of her slovenian boyfriend. He was very cute, because he can speak really good czech language:) and it was really funny. I also met one slovenian girl who studies czech language and she was also really good. 
About 3 a.m. we went to sleep to evs flat which was in the city centre.

We woke up about 8,30 and at 8,30 we had a meeting with Mateas- the boss of evs group in Škofja. We were supposed to leave for hiking trip about 9 a.m. but because of fast italien and spanish participent we left about 10 a.m. and late we found out that this one hour was very very important. 
But finally we were complete and we could start our trip.
We were 10 people. Me,Adam, Anastasiya from Bulgaria, Janez from Latvia, Italian guy, Silvia from Spain, Morgan from England, and three slovenian guys. WE took our car and went 40 km to the mountain. The weather supposed to be very nice but it was afwul. Fog, cold, you couldn´t see anything.. So we parked our car and went to the highest peak in this region- Porezen- 1630 m. so higher than highest peak in Czech:) The tour was quite difficult for my breath and my legs and the weather was so awful... But I had not kept hoping for better weather and this hope helped me to continue. And finally, after 2 hours of really steep hill we could see the top and 15 metres before top the sun was shining!!I couldn´t believe! Amazing inverse! We could see magnifiques scenery. I was really happy! So we took a rest on the top, we took a little bit of sun, but there was already snow so we continued to the cottage where we were eating hot soup and drinking some schnaps. BUt we stayed a little bit longer and from this moment it started to be really funny:)
Foggy weather- the worst one for me


Last meter in fog


Matyas decided to try different way. It should have been shorter way. But because of fog, because of sunset, after one hour we were lost.. But I am not surprise. I don´t know if it is because I am spoiled of czech perfect and clear marked hiking trails, or if there is other reason but I am really confused from slovenian marked... You don´t know how long you will go, how far it is, and you can find signpost just once for whole trail... So I love czech marked hiking trails!! Thank you people who do it :)

So sun was almost over and we were walking in the dense forest. But we were still with our smile, somebody because of schnaps, somebody- like me because of hot soup and inverse. Finally we found one cottage in the mountain and they helped us- IT IS only  20 minutes!! Ok, it was, if you took the right way and we wouldn´t take, because in other cottage they said something different.
But finally at 6,30 p.m. we found our cars!!!
It was very nice hiking trip. I really enjoyed it. I was really tired and I am still tired now but the view was awesome, the company was really funny and I am really glad to meet this group.
So thank you so much and see you again!!

Our workshop:) First add in English

Halloween workshop was taking place from 28th to 30th October in Mladinski centre Postojna and about 30 kids in age between 6 -12 were participated.
Our 3 days Halloween workshop started with short scary video which gave us the real Halloween atmosphere. After video we introduced ourselves and program for whole three days.
During the first day we were preparing Halloween decorations for the final party (ghost from balloons, magic caps for drinking, decorating of spider net) and we were creating invitations for our final party for parents.  After the first day we had very nice decoration in our ,, Halloween room” and children gave invitation to their parents.

The following day we were lucky, because weather was really good so we could carve pumpkins outside. And one surprise was waiting for all of us! We were not alone, we had special visitor - national television channel! The children were really excited and lot of them gave interview to television.
After they could choose their own pumpkin and they could start. For some of them it was quite difficult, but finally all of the pumpkins were amazing. They had big motivation- competition for the most beautiful pumpkin. After carving the pumpkins we moved to our Halloween room and we started to prepare our scary costumes. Children could choose if they want to be Witch, Ghost or Dracula. They were also motivated by the competition for the best costume so most of them were working really hard and made amazing costume.

 The most important day was the last- third day. The main task for the children was to create and prepare Halloween food and to prepare themselves for the final costume parade.
Some of children were finishing with their costume- especially girls, because they wanted to have the best costume. The rest of children were preparing scary bananas, cookies, mandarins, bloody fingers, special red drinks and a lot of different scary food things. Children really enjoyed this task and they were really creative. Maybe the worst thing for them was that they couldn´t eat it because they had to wait for the final event.
Children were really exciting. For most of them it was the first “fashion show” so they were a little bit nervous. But they were amazing. Parents came and the fashion show could start. Everybody was amazing! Their eyes were shinning and they enjoyed every moment. After costume exhibition parents voted for the best pumpkin and the best costume. But kids they didn’t care at this moment of anything else but the Halloween cookies, because finally they could go and eat their sweets, monsters bananas, and so on. When parents finished with their voting they also enjoyed party with their kids. Everybody was smiling and had fun. 

But our wonderful scary workshop was going to the end so our final event was the award ceremony. Children got prices and took their pumpkins and in their masks they were going home.

I would like to say thank you to all volunteers and all people from Mladinski center Postojna, because without their help our workshop couldn’t exist.

středa 6. listopadu 2013

Co se děje v Postojné

Už je to téměř měsíc, kdy jsem vložila svůj poslední příspěvek o dovolené na Sardinií, takže je čas na další.
Co se mezitím dělo v našem ospalém městečku? Jaká byla naše pracovní náplň poslední měsíc? Naštěstí toho začíná být více, za co jsem moc ráda. Ve stručnosti shrnu jednotlivé body naši práce:

1) Zatím největší naší událostí, která byla opravdu ,,naše", byl třídenní workshop pro děti na téma Halloween. Workshopu se zúčastnilo přibližně třicet dětí. Celý program jsme plánovali hlavně my s pomocí našich spolupracovnic v Mladinském centru. Následující příspěvek bude mým prvním (snad ne posledním) v anglickém jazyce právě o našem workshopu. 

2) Druhou naší činností je pravidelné docházení do sociálního denního centra pro děti. Chodíme tam dvakrát týdně na 3 hodiny a pomáháme vychovatelce s chodem centra. Dětí jsou tu různorodé, moc jich sice není, ale někteří stojí opravdu za to... Docházejí do centra po škole, když nemají žádný kroužek a společně s vychovatelkou si dělají úkoly, hrají různé karetní hry, vyrábí výrobky, společně vaří atd. Je to něco jako malá družina. Zatím jsme spíše obhlíželi, ale chystáme se zavést  hodiny angličtiny, uspořádat český den se smažením bramboráků a sportovní soutěže. Je teda dost smutné , jak stačí, aby tam přišel nějaký dospělý ,,muž,,- Adam a děti hned zapomenou na zbytek dospělého osazenstva. Jednou jsem přišla sama a co pět minut se ptaly, kdy přijde Adam. Když už teda pochopily, že nepřijde, musela jsem jim ukazovat fotku... Prostě všechnu slávu cizince shrábl on... Smolina no:)

3) Každý týden pomáháme s pořádáním akce pro teenagery:) Jmenuje se ČTVRTKOVANJE- asi dokážete odhadnout proč:) Snažíme se přilákat do našeho centra co nejvíce mladých lidí, což je ale velmi těžký úkol, protože Mladinske centrum zde nemá moc dobrou pověst..Měli jsme ale úspěch, protože přišlo OSM nových lidí a zúčastnilo se našeho turnaje ve stolním fotbálku a table tenisu. Tento týden budou aktivity- moc velkou návštěvnost neočekávám. Přece jen to jsou pubertální kluci, které si nedokážu představit u této hry:) My jsme s Adamem preferovali šipky, tak snad příští týden. Hlavně jsem zvědavá, jestli se do Aktivit zapojíme, protože to bude samozřejmě slovinsky..
4) Další- asi nejnudnější činností, je kontrola a doplňování databáze neziskové organizace. Práce ale nebylo moc, takže už se po několika dnech, ne příliš velké dřiny, blížíme do finiše.

5) Jelikož v našem centru začala koncertní sezóna, jsme zlehka zapojeni i do organizace jednotlivých koncertů. Našim úkolem je obsluha baru a prodej lístků. Zatím jsme ale ještě nepracovali, začínáme tento pátek, kdy je u nás velká Hip-hoppová akce. Snad to bude lepší než minulý koncert, kdy zvuk, který vyluzoval zpěvak Death Metalové kapely, zněl jako zvracení. Ale bylo to vtipný, docela jsem se nasmála.

6) Hmmm co ještě.. Tak dostali jsme za úkol, vytvořit si vlastní Vision board mapu. Zní to docela zajímavě. Po setkání s profesionálním couchem, jsme dostali úkoly- můžete se taky sami zamyslet:
1) Tři věci, které mě dělají šťastným
2) Tři věci, ve kterých se cítím úspěšný/á
3) Tři věci, který bych chtěl dělal v moji kariéře
4) Tři záliby

Vision board by nám měla pomoct- jak jsem teda pochopila, směřovat náš život tak, abychom byli šťastní:) prý to funguje, tak uvidíme:)

Taak to je naše pracovní náplň. Ještě samozřejmě hodiny slovinštiny, kam poctivě docházíme dvakrát týdně a mohu s úspěchem říct, že rozumíme čím dál víc.
Jo a abych nezapomněla! Máme ještě jednu novou ,,práci,,:) Od svého nejskvělejšího Adámka, jsem dostala  k narozeninám úúžasný super foťák, takže když je venku jakžtakž,  tak vyrážíme do okolních lesů a zkoušíme, co všechno dovede:) 

A ještě není příspěvku konec:) Haha:) Jelikož jsme se plně zapojili do couchsurfingu, za poslední dva měsíce se u nás vystřídal Ind (pracuje v Praze), milá slečna z Argentiny, dvě Slovinky a Angličan. Je to opravdu zajímavá zkušenost. Sice to člověka trochu omezuje, protože většina z nich očekává nejen přespání zadarmo, ale také komunikaci téměř po celou dobu:)) Jelikož jsme hostili tři z nich téměř ve dvou týdnech, bylo to trochu vyčerpávající, ale rozhodně víc obohacující:) Doporučuji!
Samozřejmě nejcennější návštěvou byla návštěva mých nejmilejších rodičů :-* Moc zdravím :) a také moji nezapomenutelné kamarádky Italky Cateriny:) 


Hmm a to už je pro zatím snad všechno:)
Jinak bych vás chtěla poprosit (trochu se opičím Míšo, snad mi to odpustíš:), jestli -když budete mít čas, byste mi neposlali pohled:) Už máme svoji schránku a zatím nic moc nedostáváme:( Chtěla bych si to tady vyzdobit a moc by mě to potěšilo:) 
Moje adresa: Marie Wiesnerová, Ulica IX. Korpusa 6, Postojna 6230

Děkuji moc a mějte se krásně:)