úterý 1. července 2014

My last add about Slovenia!

What? Last? You wrote you are going to stay in Slovenia one year! And now it is just 10 months! What happened?
It wasnt just one reason why we decided to leave our project earlier. But let´s say that the main reason the money were. Some of  you know, what our future plans are. We applied for a visa to Canada and we got it! juchu!! for one year we can go to Canada and we can work there, because we got working visa:) But for this we need more money that we have in our account so we decided to find some summer job and earn at least something. And we got it:) On Saturday we are going to start our new adventure in Croatia! so you can look forward to the new posts from our living in Croatia:) - this was written 2 weeks ago:)
I wrote that I had more reasons why I wanted to cut short my EVS project. I have to say that I started to be quite bored in Postojna, nothing had changed for long time and I didnt feel useful and good for last months.
But I have to say that our last events were really good and a lot of people came and were satisfied so I felt that we little bit changed something in our MCP- Youth center. We got a lot of nice feedbacks from visitors of our international events like- Finally, there's something going on, I will come next time because I like it and so on. I really like this feeling to do something what the others like and appriciate.
And I think I can say that people like us and I hope they were quite sad when we were leaving. But I mean people out from our organization, because if I speak about people in our organization we didnt get ANY feedback, Nothing what sumarized our staying with them... It is quite sad, but it is like this.... I hope that next evs people who will come there, will be more happy and will fix more to this organization,
so now it is one month when we left Slovenia so I had some time to think about our ten months and I would like to sumarize it.
So what I learned

- To relax without feeling guilty
- To use just 85 euro per month
- That I really love hectic life and when my daily schedule is full I feel really good.
- I need to live in big city with lot of opportunities
- To accept different education style with which I don’t agree.
- To communicate with people from elderly house in Slovenian language (and some of them they didn’t have any teeth so it was really hardJ)
- That if I don’t have any cheap chance to do sport which I like, I can go to fitness centre and find out the way how to enjoy it
- Try to eat food without gluten and milk
- To be in company of many people who speak different language and I learnt not to care about it 
What I loved during my Slovenia-              

-Wake up whenever I wanted
- Not to think about money for food and buy almost everything what I want- not good for life in Canada and Croatia J
- Our beautiful flat with winter garden
- Amazing nature
- Cheap and good coffee
- Smiling shop assistants
- Foreign people who we met
- Slovenian wine is really goodJ and they have vinotočJ
- Smoking inside is forbidden!
- Our art evening with Adam
- Other evs people
- Travel in every spare moment
- Almost everybody is really educated and know a lot of things
- Everyone can speak really good English, also 12 years old children

 What I hated in Slovenia

- it is not valid for all people! I met a lot of very nice people who I really liked!!!

- A lot of people who have never asked us anything, they weren’t interested about us, about our culture and habits.
- A lot of smokers,
- a lot of promises that were never fulfilled
- my lazy mood, which I got after 1 month of doing almost nothing.
- People who don’t tell you hello, when you come into the room.
- Rude behaviour of some people,
- spoiled children who are not used to clean up after themselves
- dissemblance of some people
- a lot of people without hobbies   of course I could find more from every category but I am writing this add almost one month and I would like to finish it:)  So I would like to tell everybody who helped us to enjoy our staying in Slovenia- people from Sent, children and teachers in Social centre, people from elderly house, Chris and Hanna, our french friend from Strane,to foreign people from slovenia circle, my best slovenian friend Sandra, our slovenian teacher Petra, to Igor and Alenka, to Baschir, to Manja and Samo, to people from MCP, and of course all my friends who came to visit me. And I have to say that we had a lot of visit:

Cateriiina Malinkooona from Italy,
Janca, Katka, Filip, Pepa, Tomáš, Evča, Jitka, Víta, Alča, Lukáš from Czech
My best parents TWICE:)
and I can not forget to our couchsurfers/ thanks to them! they variegated our staying in Slovenia:
Anna from Poland
Ivona and Daniela- CZech and USA
Terry from England
Riqui and his 3 friends from Argentina
Anja from Slovenia
Lora from Argentina
Nadja from Slovenia
Lubica from Slovakia
Yash from India
Gilbert from France

and also thanks to all evs people!!!!!!!!!!